Fear them not O my beloved
Though their boasting threats may fly
I will keep my faithful servant
As the apple of my eye......
George who still sings the old words much to the annoyance of Sister England
we used to sing a slow song in the late 60's and early 70's that went something like : "don't be afraid of them that can kill the body buy cannot kill the soul" .... or something like that.does anyone remember that one?.
Fear them not O my beloved
Though their boasting threats may fly
I will keep my faithful servant
As the apple of my eye......
George who still sings the old words much to the annoyance of Sister England
i’m seeing my hard core believing relatives slowly losing faith that the watchtower is the organization that “god” is using to represent him on earth.. just about all the churches in their area have opened up.. but not the watchtower.. this is having an affect on the faith of even the old timers.
now the only ones who are still holding the faith are the female jws and only those past 70 years of age.
even my old male jw relative past 70 are starting to say that it can’t be jehovah’s organization because the other churches are all open and god supposed organization who is supposed to preach the warning message is still closed with no open in sight.
The thought of going out and driving to a mid week meeting when it's cold and pittling down with rain and hail is not something Sis England nor I want to even think about!
I know of many others in the congregation who feel exactly the same. The sooner the "For Sale" board goes up the better.
watch brigitte gabriel's epic and brilliant answer to "most muslims are peaceful...".
Fancy doing a swap for Priti Patel?
as a youg man this stunned me when i studied the original "youth" book 97% had done it so i thought soo that's pretty much everyone i guess the 3% were witness youth!
also "awake" claimed 90% of students had accessed porn at some time.
everyone is doing it i guess 10% are the witness youth...how dumb was i?.
There are cases where a girl became pregnant as a result of one sex interview with a boy. What a price for a girl, a virgin, to pay for a few minutes of satisfied sex emotions! When persons start in this dangerous and sinful course, they find it hard to overcome future temptations. When a young, unmarried girl falls to the temptation, the price she pays is terrible: shame, sorrow, a ruined reputation, endless troubles, with the danger of being disfellowshiped from a congregation if the girl is a dedicated member. It is high time for girls to understand the make-up of their bodies and its functions, especially with regard to sex. Then if a girl understandingly takes care of herself while the ovum is at large and is causing sex disturbance and cravings within her, she will be able to act like a true lady of irreproachable morals at all times. She will avoid the violating of her virginity and the shame and conscience-stricken state due to this; and wisely she will direct her young life so as to end up in the position of a clean, happy wife and mother of legitimate children, journeying to the new world of righteousness, where there will be no sex problems amid a sex-crazy population.
W61 12/15 pp 766-768
You have to read this QFR on sex to actually believe it!
latest advice for jw parents: if your kids get disfellowshipped, fight the urge to blame yourself.
yes, great advice.
if your clueless, underage child is struggling in life, don't blame yourself, stop thinking about it and move on.
So, all those who return after being DF'ed, can now partake?
That has always been the case. If an anointed one is DF'ed and returns and is reinstated he is still of the heavenly calling. Life on earth should not be viewed as a "second prize" if you fail as an anointed.
Latest advice for jw parents: if your kids get disfellowshipped, fight the urge to blame yourself.
The elders will do the blaming for you. Which is why, in more than one case I am familiar with, fathers of DF'ed sons "lost their privileges", they were removed as elders. I am sure many on here will be familiar with similar cases.
i just received a hand written envelope through the post containing an invitation to the online 2021 convenient.
i'm in staffs in the uk .
jan .
Once again there are no physical conventions this year. The idea is that you watch at home, the first session (Friday morning) will be watched this coming Sunday after an abbreviated WT Study. Over the next few weeks the rest of the convention will be released half a day at a time.
If you go onto the JW website and click what's new it will take you to Friday morning sessions. You can either watch or download for later viewing.
You can also download a programme and there is even a badge for you to wear to really get into the spirit of things!
I suggested to Sis England that we put our lunch in a cool box and stuff it under the seat whilst we watch but she didn't seem too enamoured by that somehow.
most people over the generations have taken pride in their heritage, nationality and country they are from.
it’s not uncommon to hear of “proud” italians and proud irish people , as an example.
are you proud of your country and your nationality or do you feel shame or indifference?.
I am extremely proud to be English. As Cecil Rhodes said "To be born an Englishman means you have already won first prize in the lottery of life".
I feel absolutely no shame about England or Great Britain, even when we have done wrong in the past. It's what it is and we cannot rewrite history. Overall GB has been a force for good around the world. It can't be so bad or we wouldn't have hundreds of foreigners arriving on our shores every day.
As for those who complain about our past links with slavery and tear down statues, I would say it's too late late to help those slaves long gone. However, it's not too late to help rid our land of modern day slavery. In places such as Leicester and Bradford there are sweat shops packed with enslaved workers housed and working in unhuman conditions. Of course it may be uncomfortable to address these, along with grooming gangs as there will be a need to add the word "Asian" to these.
St George of England
yesterday or a few days ago a site started specifically for gen x -exjws.
it caters to those born in the 60s to around 70s and some 80s yesterday it had 2 members, today it has 102 members.
keep in mind that for most of these gen x, there was no internet, no mobile phone, heck, i don't think there was even cable tv.
a chance to meet new girls i hadnt met before
Didn't you find them a bit boring Stan? What with JW girls being all so pure and innocent?..!!!!!!!!!
i live with my parents in law and yesterday, my mother in-law was very nervous about an email she got from the brothers in her congregation.
it was asking if she would be able to receive people over at our house should there be a catastrophe.
so, she asked me if i would agree with this.
In some countries a "Go Bag" may be a good idea and in no way would I belittle any such preparation.
However, I think a "Stay Bag" is a far more useful concept especially for those of us in countries such as the UK. A good supply of food and materials kept in stock, not for some once in a lifetime event but for when there's more than an inch of snow lying outside and everything has ground to a standstill, or when you are ill and cannot be bothered to go out to the shops. I think the GB are just beginning to understand this, it was mentioned in one of their updates.
As others have mentioned, where are people going to go with their go bags? I remember in the 1970's the Fastnet Race disaster. I think about 14 or 15 people died. However, many abandoned their boats for a flimsy life raft only to die whilst their yacht remained afloat. It would have to be something very special to get me to leave the relative safety of home.
hello, my elder cousin from brazil wouldn’t believe they asked for rv’s here in the us.
i’ve been out for 20 years and i’m soft shunned by my family.
now my mom got sick and they are all trying to talk me into going back(no way on earth) and they keep on telling me how close armageddon is 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ i was watching kim and mikey and they mentioned the rv’s for lodging the ramapo workers.
I thought an RV was a return visit. I had to look it up!
I don't think we use the term Recreational Vehicle in the UK, we call them Motorhomes or Caravettes.
George (older and more parochial by the day)